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The main goal of our club is FUN. That means fun for the patrons AND staff.


If you are offended by: biting, nudity, adult fun, foul language, gesturbation, or random silliness.. then this club is not for you.


Our rules are simple. Use your common sense. Please respect our club and the people in it. Above all have fun.





âž¾ SUPPORT âž¾ Support for Wild Angels patrons must take priority over random chat. However, if you have a support question, please message a manager on duty and they will help you. 


âž¾ RESPECT âž¾ Wild Angels allows for a wide variety of styles, avatar types, and personalities. We expect everyone to treat each other with kindness and respect. That does not mean you have to agree with them. It means you control yourself.


âž¾ CONTROVERSIAL TOPICS âž¾ We discourage discussions about politics, religion, and any other "hot topic" that might result in a flame war.


âž¾ HATE SPEECH âž¾ We are firmly against any sort of hate speech. You are allowed to have your own viewpoints. You are not allowed to shove those views down the throats of others. 


âž¾ PROFANITY âž¾ We allow profanity, as long as it is not used in a hateful or malicious manner. 


âž¾ CHAT SPAM âž¾ Do not spam chat with scripts, gestures, or language that is intended to, or unintentionally irritates others. Examples include spamming an f-bomb to annoy, "spanking" of other residents over and over, genitals that shout out tmi information, or tummy talkers tell us the baby's every thought.


âž¾ SOLICITING âž¾ No advertising or soliciting of products, services, other clubs, and/or begging for lindens. DO NOT offer our patrons a LM or TP to your event/club/store. This will result in an automatic ban.


âž¾ HARASSMENT & DRAMA âž¾ We have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy on this. No personal attacks, bullying, hating, flaming, griefing, airing your dirty laundry, etc. Show some maturity please!! NO means NO and STOP means STOP. Use common sense and don't make comments designed specifically to offend. 


âž¾ MODERATION âž¾ We will NOT moderate someone just because you don't like them or you are offended by something they said or did. We will ONLY moderate if they broke our rules. For the record: WE DON'T CARE WHO STARTED IT. WE ARE NOT YOUR PERSONAL JUDGE AND JURY. If you are harassed and respond in kind you will be kicked too!


âž¾ DON'T LIKE IT? âž¾ Our rules are flexible and lenient. You have no excuse for breaking them. If you get banned we will only be amused by cries of "so much for free speech" and whining that we've "chosen" a side. We do not choose sides. We simply do not tolerate drama.



If you have any problems please ask a manager for help.



Above all have fun. Gesturbate all you want. Unless it's said with the intent to offend someone personally, use as much bad language as you like.

Thank you ~ Wild Angels Management

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